Get a Motor Excess quote

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the maximum level of excess I can protect?

For 1 vehicle you can protect up to £1000. If you are insuring more than 1 vehicle you can select cover up to £2,000.

Do I need comprehensive motor insurance to purchase Excess Protect?

No you can still purchase this product if you have third party fire and theft cover.

Does the policy cover fault claims?

Yes, Theft, RTA, Fire, Accidental Damage

Does the policy cover non-fault claims?

Yes, but only if a recovery has not been made from the third party after 6 months from the date of the accident.

How long does this policy provide cover for?

12 months. You can then renew each year. We will contact you before your renewal date to see if you wish to renew.

If I have a claim how long do I have before I should report it?

Within 30 days of the incident occurring

My vehicle has been damaged but I don't want to make a claim under my motor insurance policy can I still claim under my Excess Protect policy?

No. Your excess policy will only respond when you have made a valid claim under your motor insurance policy and the damage to your vehicle costs more than the level of excess on your motor policy.

Does the Excess policy include windscreen or glass claims?


How many claims can I make in each year?

You can make as many claims as you like up to the excess amount that you purchase. For example if you purchased a £500 excess cover from us and your motor insurance excess was £250, you would be able to claim for 2 incidents during your policy period.

I've just had to pay my motor excess following a claim on my motor insurance policy can I purchase Excess Insurance and still make a claim?

No. We will only cover incidents that happened after you have purchased the excess policy. Please note we will not cover any claim in the first 14 days of this policy unless you have purchased this cover within 14 days of your Motor Insurance policy or you are renewing your policy.

What should I do if my motor insurance policy has a young driver excess applied when my son or daughter drives my vehicle?

The choice is yours but you should take in to consideration whether there are any special terms, higher excesses or young driver excesses that may be applicable to your motor policy and look to purchase a level of excess protection that suits your needs.

How does the above work if I have different excesses according to who is driving the vehicle at the time?

Lets say a parent purchases £1,000 of excess protection. This is because the parents' excess is £300 but it increases to a £1,000 when their son drives the vehicle. If the parent has a claim which goes through their insurance company and the cost of the damage exceeds £300 then £300 excess will be paid. In the event the son has a claim and the total claim damage against the motor insurer exceeds £1,000, payment of the £1,000 excess will be made. Remember though if the damage came to £500 and the son was driving the vehicle no claim could be made as the damage did not exceed the excess on the motor insurance policy.

If the parents choose to protect the £300 policy excess; in the event of a claim occurring where the son is the driver and the total claim exceeds £1,000 via the motor insurer then the excess insurance will pay £300 towards the £1,000 young drivers excess.

What happens if I want to advise you of any changes during the term of my policy?

Please contact us by phone or email with your query.

What happens if I change my car, can my motor excess policy be transferred?

Yes it can. An administration charge of £10 will apply.